
Global Entry

TRAVELERS Online Application


  • 98% Approval Rate
  • Global Entry Guides and Related Programs Information
  • A Comprehensive Video Tutorial of the Enrollment Process
  • Easy-To-Download Collection of Various Administrative Application Forms
  • 24/7 Application Assistance
  • Application Verification Service
  • All of Our Customer Data Kept Confidential and Secure

Global Entry at Airports

Global Entry KIOSKS

Global Entry Automatic KIOSKS

Global Entry CARD

Global Entry Membership Card

Benefits of Global Entry

The Global Entry Program offers its members several key benefits which assures your journey at the airport is smooth, with expedited border crossings. All airports suffer from long processing queues, excessively long wait times and the mandatory requirement of filling out customs paperwork. Global Entry enables you to skip all the above steps, it comes with an automatic TSA Pre✓® Eligibility, which means you will never be asked to remove your shoes or belt, store your liquids and laptop in your bag, while passing through airport security. With the Global Entry Membership, you will benefit from your dedicated Global Entry kiosk, which will streamline your journey by having all your flight and personal information stored securely.
Your airport experience is expedited as soon as you land, which means once you land at your destination, simply go through the GE Kiosk and then you can head towards the exit in no time. Customs Check? Use your dedicated fast lane and skip any additional customs verifications.
Who can apply? The Global entry membership is available to several countries not only in Europe (US, UK, Germany, Netherlands) but also in South Korea, Taiwan, Panama, Mexico. This means you can use your Global Entry facilities to expedite your journeys in the above-mentioned countries as well.
Now that you are convinced a Global Entry membership will benefit you, we are a private company which offers dedicated assistance in completing your Global Entry application. After having applied with us, we will arrange for everything you need to start using your Global Entry Card. Our service charges are exclusive of the mandatory processing fee which is to be paid directly to the Customs and Border Protection. We invite you to read our T&C before you submit your application. You may also directly apply without going through us by clicking here

About Us

Our expertise is to check your application for errors and omissions to facilitate high chances of approval. With our dedicated team, we work around the clock to ensure all applications prove to be successful, error-free and most up to date. Our expert advice enables you to get the latest updates on your application, informs you about any additional steps or documentation that may be required to get your Global Membership activated as soon as possible. Any problems with your application? Our team will answer any of your queries within 1 business day. has no affiliation with any government body or the CBP. We offer paid assistance for Trusted Travelers program, which means we will simplify your application process. Our expert team will be available to explain all legalities or Government specialized language which our service is why is more expensive than applying directly with the Government. We are upfront about our service fee which is $149. We invite you to review our Services page, which will help you make an informed decision on whether you should to apply with us or not. Please see our Terms Conditions and Privacy Policy pages for more information.
Your request is processed as soon as 24 hours, and our dedicated agents will carefully review your new application, in order to make sure it is error and omissions free. They scan your application for any missing information and contact you as soon as possible, in order to make sure your application is correct and accurate. Only then, it will be sent for Government Processing, which is followed by a background check. Our own processing fee is additional to the mandatory government application fee.
Please bear in mind we cannot guarantee your application is successful as the final decision rests on your background check: having a criminal record, DUI, Customs or immigration violations will result in your application being denied. Please make sure you provide us with accurate information.
You can also Directly apply through the government website by clicking on the link below. By doing so you will be paying only the government fee which is lesser than applying through us.

Our Specialized Service: